this 5 minutes……

2 min readApr 10, 2020


back in the day…

i’d get myself all worked up about controlling the fvck out of my future

then after a few deep breaths and some visualizations of a sexy tony robbins i’d realize you can only live life one day at a time.

whew…glad i got that mofo covered. :: ))

over twenty years ago i left a really good gig because the company was controlled by a bunch of private equity *ssholes

so when they got ready to flip us the 3rdtime in 7 years i decided to quietly leave out the back door.

i loved the people and the job and wasn’t about to just walk out so it took months to ramp up to my departure and was very difficult

so sometimes instead of taking it one day at a time i broke my life down into 5 minute chunks

literally… was the only way i could handle the stress, fear and coming separation

some days at that job felt like a year and i thought i was living on the pluto or some other planet with a massive orbit?

fyi…pluto takes 248 years to orbit the sun

frankly? it was this whole covid-19 and current economic shit show that reminded me of the “this 5 minutes” theory

most humanoids are inherently negative and these moments of despair usually turn into a downward spiral of low level melodrama

which then quickly slides further down to angstorama.

example : right now? if you’re approaching or fully immersed in involuntary hyperventilation?

a panic attack, hands on knees bent over freaked out breathing and a 151 bpm heart rate?

it might be a good idea to to try out the 5min at a time theory. wtf you got to lose?

take a moment….sit down on the front edge of a chair, close your eyes, take some nice breaths, throw in a quick visualization of the clock locked into a 5min p.o.v. and slow down your heart rate baby

this i when i get pretty focused on the next 300 seconds only.

distractions are easier to avoid and sometimes in my mind?

i’ll even deal with a tough one hour meeting in 12–5min sessions.

bottom line?……the 5min theory definitely gets you to the fvcking moment

these bite size chunks are like when you have a fist full of vitamins you need to take because you’re a hypochondriac

you don’t take them all at once, you take them one at a time

it’s ok to call me crazy…you wouldn’t be the first but for me 5min blocks seem to make it not so scary

it’s enough to snap me from reactive to thoughtful mode and baby

and i could always use some more of that…




trapped on planet earth…my only escape is mind adjustment