
3 min readOct 8, 2020


a quick story about an extra ‘e’

it took me a while but I finally figured out the extra ‘e’ is in there for a reason

kind of like the “extra” in front of the word ordinary to make it extraordinary?

they say you’re lucky

if you find one master in your life

i’m extralucky…as i have 3

a mind master, a body master and a speech master

my mind master is where the word “grateeful” came from

it’s the way dr. hong fei linn of the true mind center for traditional chinese medicine

said the word when I met her in 1995

and it sounds just like it’s spelled

grateeful (long e)

better yet…to this day?

she always says it like she means it

as mentioned above when I first heard it i was oblivious

just figured it was a lost in translation tweak from her native foreign language to english

then……after i heard it a bunch of times from her

she said it one more time and it hit me like an asteroid landing on my head

it started to sink in

the extra e is there for a reason

it was code i wasn’t hearing


extra gratitude

so…she “inadvertently converted” me (good name for a band btw)

and now when i use the word in daily life…i always throw in the extra ‘e’

sharing her thoughtful mispronunciation both personally and professionally

sometimes people look at me funny and say wtf is wrong with you?

giving me permission to tell the quick story

and spreading the extra gratitude and energy she has always spread on me

can’t tell you how grateeful i am for that!!! :: ))

this new word with the extra ‘e’ is a constant reminder that some humanoids may not be grateeful enough?

especially for those of you out there with a roof, food, water, health, a job, maybe your own biz and love in your world

you know who you are mofos

frankly……when this crazy planet starts rolling over me

when it’s hard to hang on…..

i mean holy shit, we’re spinning at 1000 mph and moving through space at 67,000 mph!

(btw maybe that’s why earthly trees have roots…but that’s for another story)

when its tanto dificile……that’s when i start losing my gratitude

it is at this very moment when i am reminded of the lovely mispronunciation

that’s when i murmur it under my breath or sometimes say it out loud

it reminds me that the obstacles and disturbances i have are probably not that bad

not in the big picture of things??

ok…here’s the closer

what i’m making up in my mind?

when i see or hear the word grateeful, with the second ‘e’

that’s when i actually connect with gratitude

it shifts from autonomically hearing or saying it to fucking feeling it way deep inside

it moves me, it’s memorable

and when I’m able to call to mind that trigger (not to get all n.l.p. on your ass)

i remember what grateeful really feels like in my heart, my mind, my body, my breath

it’s all over me and around me with people, nature and objects

man…i love this planet

thanks for letting me share as we’re all students together







trapped on planet earth…my only escape is mind adjustment