everything you know is wrong

2 min readMay 8, 2020


welcome to the new age of wrongness

for those of you old enough there was an interesting comedy group in the 70’s called the firesign theatre that put out an album called “everything you know is wrong”

it was one of my faves

maybe it was the alien references?… but it had a lasting effect

and guess what?…… your “wrongness” is trending hard right now

every bit of data you have about consumer insights, the stock market, the economy or even pandemics is probably fvcked up

seriously…if you came into a meeting and showed sales data from last quarter we’d all be laughing at you

welcome humanoids to a new era where all your charts look like data errors

all the habits and behaviors and normal shit you used to forecast around has changed pretty much overnight

example? dining out? grocery shopping? sporting events?

you catch my drift on this?


admittedly….it’s not really basic humanoid nature to believe they are wrong

especially with the type of leadership u.s. citizens have grown accustomed to?

ie…..they don’t ever admit wrong doing or apologize

but back on track

this new age of wrong is actually kind of weirdly exciting?

it’s a brand new time…….good or not so good?

accept it

your consumers are now going to act differently then you’d expect

what they care about has changed

what they will spend their hard earned or unemployment check dollars on has changed

example? i can’t imagine how hard it’s going to be for emerging brands at brick & mortar retail or even online retail?

one should assume that previously curious consumers who liked to try new things may not be so adventurous anymore?

and don’t even think that a retailer gives a flying fvck about pioneering your new brand

actually….trusted brands may have more of an advantage over challenger brands then ever before?

and don’t think you can rely on sampling in store like before……

unless of course your bite size sample is individually wrapped and sanitized when you hand it to a customer.

wait? you’re going to hand it to them…that right there is wrong!

one more catch on this theory?

even if you admit that everything you know is wrong?

your wrongness is going to shift sometimes daily

because things will happen, be publicly said or be done that can instantly change perceptions and behaviors in your consumers mind

ok…enough ranting, what’s the moral of this story?

#1….remind your self daily….everything i know could be wrong

#2…use that scary thought to raise your awareness and curiosity on how to connect with your current and new customers

#3….double down on your street wise research…..ask lots of questions and sometimes daily?



:: ))




trapped on planet earth…my only escape is mind adjustment