a great bullshitter always…….

3 min readMar 16, 2020


let’s hit the punchline button right now….here it is….

a great bullshitter always bullshits themselves first

it took me a while…but i finally figured it out

and i should know

as i’m a bullshit expert

i was raised by two narcistic humanoids that were the greatest bullshitters that ever lived

no shit…but that’s for another story

luckily i changed my ways after spending several decades on this planet bs’ing my way along

hey..wtf…….that’s what my parents taught me


i’m glad that’s over as…..bullshitting ones way through life…well…. it’s quite tiring…but that’s another nother story

when great bullshitters are telling you their story

they truly believe what they are telling you…deeply

they could probably pass a polygraph

this is the mark of a master bullshitter

they are great at making up their own truth in their own head

these are the most dangerous bullshitters…as they have bought their own koolaid, mixed it up and drank the whole smiling pitcher in one sitting right in front of you

cmon…we all personally know some great bullshitters

some of the best?……i’ve referred to as a face man or a face maam

please remember….great bullshitting isn’t gender specific….

It’s the face….the visual reinforcement that is also very helpful in selling in

their suitable line of bullshit


quick case of tangenitis….

i once had a sidewalk panhandler reach out to me with a porcelain mug shaped like a toilet and say sir….if i laid a suitable line of bullshit on you today could you find it in your heart to give me a dollar?

i spared him the story telling and offered up a buck or two for his refreshing transparency


there’s research out there

about how master status bullshitter humanoids take advantage by leveraging their brains and memories when retelling a story.

By circumventing key neurons that conveniently leave out key elements further cementing their own truth in the mind of the bullshitee of whom they have their attention.

special thanks to the hardwired humanoid survival caveman instincts that makes this shit happen


no matter how smart you think you are….only a very small minority of people…less than 5% seem to have some special ability to smell the bullshit on a regular basis.

Even pro bullshit spotters like judges and customs agents, when tested, are at a level not much better than chance.

Ok…it’s moral of the fucking story time

guess what there’s no moral to this fucking story

you knew that though

maybe the moral is for all of us to reduce our bullshit

lower the volume and frequency of our own personal bullshit emissions.

At this stage of my life….i’ve been trying to reduce my own personal level of bullshit

It seems other humanoids appreciate it

and i don’t have to remember who and where i laid all this bullshit down

ah yes

a world with less bullshit would definitely be a much better place




trapped on planet earth…my only escape is mind adjustment